Sunday, December 18, 2011


Building in progress at the Retreat accommodation.

It seems like our days at KD are coming to an end soon.

So, why the sudden change in direction?

I have mentioned a few time that some new people where added to the mix, people come and go all the time and we get along very well with almost everybody. The first 6 months or so was wonderful. The owner was in Nederland (where he and his South African wife was visiting). The minute they came back, the whole dynamic changes, everything had to get their permission for everything. this sitting and staring at each other and sharing feelings thing was also their idea and they feel very offended if you do not want to be part of it. 

Endless meeting, such a waste of time, if you actually have real things to do, I guess some people just love hearing their own voice. Their idea of green living is buying everything form Woolworhts and leaving the layers of packaging for other people to deal with. They can meditate for days on end, but that does not seem to help them be better people. This places turned from a really nice place into a Buddish bootcamp. Great if that is what you are into, but I am not.

I found out later that these people are called trustafarians, wonna be rastas with Europen trust accounts. This is a game to them and my prediction is that they will get bored, sooner or later and more on. 

We would like to move on before the Vipassana meditation started, we will not be able to charge any laptop or phones in the house during the period of the meditation (the house will be used as accommodation) and that will be very difficult. Suddenly Somewhere between 20 and 30 people will be meditating for 10 days. This was just the last straw, not the fact that there is a meditation session for 10 day, but the fact that everybody else are suddenly second grade citizen and are denies access to charging and using the solar cooker etc. 

The cherry on top,  this morning we have a flat tire. Actually the flat tire probably saved our lives, it is actually a lot more than just a flat tire, the whole steering is skew, and we will only be able to make work of this on Monday and we are smack bang in the middle of Xmas/festive holidays.  All because of these roads, so now we are temporarily car less as well. Just to make it clear, I am not blaming anybody for the state of the roads, besides the biggest problem is the 8 km from the gate to the tar road that leads to the M2 highway. 

This puts all our plans in suspension, but this morning Shaun contacted Riaan to come and see him (Shaun and his family lives in and owns a Restaurant and caravan park in Morgan's bay) and I have a feeling this is going to be good news, he did say something about maybe having a caravan for us to use until after season.

Communal Kitchen far from complete

KD is busy putting together a new vision and I think this is very important, people does not seem to be on the same page. 

I have also learned that I am not really the community type, far too much of an introvert. Now people understand the term introvert wrong, it does not mean I am shy, it simply means that I am less social, I love my own company (and talking to myself) and I am happy that way. Then you get extroverts, they are not necessary the ones with the biggest mouths, but they need the company of other people constantly, they need to share their feelings and these sort of thing freak out the introvert.  Neither is wrong or right, it is just different and very often misunderstood.

I do feel sorry for Nicole and Fabian’s loss, (lots of Euro’s and passports got stone from them) but this is at a point of ridiculous. I told you they went to see a clairvoyant, and then based on what this person said every single black (yes people only the black people) where fingerprinted (so far no results). I feel so sorry for Meduna and his family, It would have been fair if everybody living here where fingerprinted, including the two accuser. Do these two people have any idea what sort of rift they could have created?

I say a big thank you to Tim and Anne, because they are genuine people with good intent and they work very hard.  KD was fun, a great adventure and a huge learning curve. 

The couple with four children which was suppose joint the community and stay in the main house (after the meditation course) also had one meeting with Ole and Zanele and left the next day....

Kevan is cool and so is pretty much everybody else we met here. I also no longer think all American are Obese and brain dead, thanks to some wonderful American Volunteers we met and I will miss Caroline, the crazy Frenchy, as Riaan calls her.

KD is trying, get the new vision out and go for it. 

I wish you all love and light and the ability to stay in the moment.

Thank you for an enriching experience.

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