Traffic on the N2 (National highway)
I think it
is time to get a bit of background into the whole story. While I am going through
my creations and evolutions there are other things happening in the bigger
world. I am living in a rather interesting country, namely South Africa and
although I am an African I am also white, from long ago European decent, but
never the less an African.
I have lived
and loved through a part of the apartheid era, by the end of the era in 1994, I
was in my mid twenties.
I can remember a specific incident from when I was a
child. We lived in an industrial town called Vanderbijlpark and my father
worked for a big steel Co-operation, Iscor, now known as Mital Steel. My mother
was reading me a bed time story one night and like so many other nights a risen
went off. I am not sure what time it was, probably about 8 or 9 0’clock at
night. I asked her what that noise was and her answer was the following “that
means all the black people must now be out of town, so we can sleep save” ,
this was obviously said in Afrikaans, but I am translating for your
convenience. I will never forget those words because as a child of about 5 it was
probably my first awareness of a reality outside of my own small white world.
she was saying that all black people are dangerous and we can only sleep in
peace if we can keep them out of our space. Even then I just could not get why
somebody would be dangerous just because they are a certain color, but I said
nothing. Obviously there was a lot of fear towards the darker races and this
fear was kept in place by politics and religion. We had churches for whites
only! And the average whitey supported the politics (apartheid) of the day more
out of fear and ignorance, than anything else. A lot did not support it, but
kept out of “politics” for their own safety. If you went out protesting you
could get arrested and detained without trial, which simply means they can keep
you in jail for as long as they want and for a lot of people with families and
a lot to lose, it was just not worth it to risk their own downfall for the sake
of others. I was one of them.
There was
turmoil and things got out of hand and people got killed, on both sides of the
color spectrum. This violent part of our history is rather well known all over
the world, but this happened in the townships and did not affect suburbia very
much, that is just the truth. The Sharpville incident is a well known story the
world over. Sharpville is a “neighboring” town to Vanderbijlpark, so is
And then the
miracle happened. People actually started talking to each other and South
Africa became the first country in Africa to go through this kind of turmoil
without it ending in civil war.
Another rural Village
Eighteen years
down the line. There is no more Mandela, he is still alive and still very much
loved, but he is old and frail. We now have a Zuma and a Zille and a JuJu, the
latter is at least entertaining. To make a long story short the average South
African is no better off than 18 years ago, we once again have corrupt and
greedy politicians. I am not trying to paint a bleak picture, I am just giving
facts and I think people in this country know how to stand up for their rights and
others are willing and learning how to.
There was
this whole incident very recently in the Johannesburg and Pretoria area
(Gauteng). A whole network of tollgates was planned and promptly accepted and approved
by our dear government. It added up to (op top of the current petrol price) ridiculous
amounts of money just to get to work and back. Unlike other taxes and toll and
fees the government just demands and people just give, this tollgate thing did
not go down well in Gauteng. People did not take to the streets and burn
things, they simply made a big noise all over the media and social media and
refused to buy the tokens and got some legal advice and one of the issues that
came to light is the following – to maintain those roads will cost roughly 32
Billion, in that same period of time the income from these tollgates will be
roughly 72 Billion, where exactly is the other 40 Billion going to?
The whole
project is on hold until further investigation, at least our legal system still
(sometimes) work. There was no color divide in this thing, this was across the
board, just Gautengers (is there such a word?) that said enough! I salute the people from Gauteng for standing
up for their rights.
We are a fascinating
and furious bunch of creatures living here at the bottom of Africa, governments
will come and go, but the real progress in this country will not come from
them, them who prefer to line their pockets while others starve. The change
will come from the people on ground level, simple people with big ideas and
mostly small budgets.
In a lot of
towns all over South Africa people are also doing the Sannieshof on their corrupt,
unethical and incompetent Municipalities. Let me explain the Sannieshof thing to
you. Sanieshof is a small town in the North West Province, it is the biggest
province, but it has the smallest share of the population. In Sannieshof the people
from the town and the people from the township both got fed up, the people from
the township where angry because the promised services where just not happening
and the people in town got fed up because their services went from good to
almost non existing. Instead of protesting they decided to get smart and a long
story short, they opened a trust account and everybody paid their monthly rates
and taxes and other services, but they paid it into the trust account. The municipality
was brought to its knees simply by cutting off their finances completely; now
they are setting up their own systems using the money from the trust, so far so
good. Even Kei Mouth is following this route. Victory without violence.
The fact is
we have, like everywhere else in the world, selfish and greedy people in power.
We can no longer afford their arrogance and ignorance, we need to act and if we
act together, regardless of race or color or whatever other differences, we
cannot lose, there is incredible power in numbers.
That being
said; do not underestimate the power of one. Here are examples of a few remarkable
individuals that are making a very big difference – Rasikarai das just
decided he will not complain; he will do something. This man has decided to go
and live in Redhill, a very poor area on the Cape Flats, near Cape Town. He lives
there in a shack and goes out and “begs” for food from everywhere, he then
takes this back to Redhill and he cooks meals and hands out fruit to the
children and other people in the area.
Another very
brave lady, I cannot even remember her name, (she obviously did not do this for
fame or fortune, I cannot even find her name in the internet), but this lady
took on the mighty food Manufacturers and they now have to tell us if our food
contains GMO's or not, it has to be on the label.
Then this whole thing came
unstuck because of lack of enforcement, Manufacturers and the persons in
Government responsible for the implementation simply suck their heads in the sand
like a bunch of Ostriches and hoped it would all go away. Unfortunately for them so much noise was made
from the side of consumers, that the story was eventually picked up by the Lame
Stream Media. We are actually starting to see the labeling and a specific sad
case in Government got fired.
There is
also a guy, Michael Tellinger, he is actually suing the mighty Standard Bank
over transparency issues, some people think he is mad, I think he is insane (I
like insane people) and very brave and he is creating a lot of awareness
amongst South African regarding the way banks in South Africa (and all over the
world) actually work. It is not really
covered in our Lame Stream Media, but it is all over the social networking
systems, so a lot of people know about it.
There are
many more individuals like these.
Stuff the
selfish and the greedy; let them live in isolation and fear; there are enough
good people in this country that will make things better.
There is a
lot of Ubuntu in Msanzi.
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